
Publica amb impacte

T’orientem per a publicar els resultats de la teva recerca. T’assessorem sobre les polítiques editorials, t’ajudem a regularitzar la teva signatura i conèixer noves convocatòries d’articles i congressos afins als teus àmbits de coneixement i recerca.

Normalitza la teva signatura d'autoria

Normalitza el teu nom d’autoria en diferents bases de dades.

Make your request

Disposa d’una forma única per al teu nom. Tindràs més visibilitat i més opcions de recuperació en bases de dades i altres sistemes d’informació.

How it works?

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Greater visibility for your activity: prevents ambiguities regarding researcher names and affiliations and allows you greater control over your scientific output. Simple to monitor your publications and citations. Your ORCID ID identifies you as a researcher throughout your entire career and saves you time in terms of communications with the scientific community because it is connected to other databases, such as Scopus. Furthermore, it is something that is increasingly being requested when submitting articles to magazines, among other publications.

The Author signature recommendations for scientific output at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya contains guidelines to standardize the way names of authors and institutions appear when signing the UOC's research work. Standardizing our signatures helps to analyse the impact of our scientific output and improves its visibility.